
Articles of research from our publishers,
friends and neighbors of
all things liberty

Slavery in 1860s Tennessee

Slavery in 1860s Tennessee

Slavery was a part of everyday life in Tennessee during this time. About one in four of all the people living in Tennessee…

History of the Life of Rev. Wm. Mack Lee

History of the Life of Rev. Wm. Mack Lee

The History of the Life of Rev. Wm. Mack Lee states that its author, William Mack Lee (1835-1932), was a body servant and cook…

Understanding the Complexities of Slavery in Kentucky

Understanding the Complexities of Slavery in Kentucky

The Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA), in Frankfort, Kentucky, houses the largest collection of papers concerning Kentucky’s Civil War-era governors.…

Blacks Owning Blacks: The Story of William Ellison

Blacks Owning Blacks: The Story of William Ellison

On March 26, 1857, William Ellison wrote to his son Henry Ellison about the family business. Life was going well and Ellison…

American slavery: Separating fact from myth

American slavery: Separating fact from myth

This article was published in 2017 … in light of 2020’s slavery issues, we’ve re-published this article in this ever-than-more relevant time.…

Washington, Presidents’ Day and Impeachment

Washington, Presidents’ Day and Impeachment

This article was initially published during the impeachment trials of President Donald J. Trump, whom was acquitted of two charges of impeachment.…

Trump marks Constitution Day with speech at National Archives assailing ‘1619 Project’ as hateful lies about America’s history

Trump marks Constitution Day with speech at National Archives assailing ‘1619 Project’ as hateful lies about America’s history

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump, hinging his campaign on turning out his core supporters, has increasingly used his public appearances to…

Battlefields: 10 facts about Abraham Lincoln

Battlefields: 10 facts about Abraham Lincoln

Fact #1: The young Abraham Lincoln described himself as “a piece of floating driftwood.” The second child of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln…

The Pilgrims Set Sail For The New World

The Pilgrims Set Sail For The New World

On September 16, 1620, the Mayflower sails from Plymouth, England, bound for the New World with 102 passengers. The ship was headed for Virginia,…

New Yorker: Local Confederate Monument

New Yorker: Local Confederate Monument

Frederick Douglass was a “from here.” Where I was raised, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, a “from here” is the opposite…

Biden’s Campaign Ad On Trump’s Social Security Plan

Biden’s Campaign Ad On Trump’s Social Security Plan

A Biden campaign TV ad falsely claims that a government analysis of President Donald Trump’s “planned cuts to Social Security” shows that…

People’s House: Loyalists in the Legislature

People’s House: Loyalists in the Legislature

When the Second Continental Congress convened in 1775, firebrands including Samuel Adams of Massachusetts and Patrick Henry of Virginia steered the 13 colonies of the United States toward…

President Lincoln’s letters on Preserving Liberty

President Lincoln’s letters on Preserving Liberty

Although he could not foresee our present national peril, Abraham Lincoln continually exhorted his own generation to maintain our free Republic. You…

Campaigning Full-Steam Ahead In Michigan

Campaigning Full-Steam Ahead In Michigan

“I have the distinct pleasure of running against the worst presidential candidate in the history of presidential politics,” President Donald Trump said…

Trump’s 20 added Supreme Court Candidates

Trump’s 20 added Supreme Court Candidates

President Donald Trump publicly added 20 names Wednesday to his list of candidates for the Supreme Court, including six women, three Senate…

Senate GOP COVID-19 Relief Bill Fails

Senate GOP COVID-19 Relief Bill Fails

Senate Republicans rallied around a $300 billion coronavirus aid package, but it fell short of the necessary 60-vote majority to advance, effectively killing…

The Founding Fathers Feared Political Factions Would Tear the Nation Apart

The Founding Fathers Feared Political Factions Would Tear the Nation Apart

The Constitution’s framers viewed political parties as a necessary evil. Today, it may seem impossible to imagine the U.S. government without its…

The truth is, the general public can’t handle the truth

The truth is, the general public can’t handle the truth

Populated democratic news media throughout the nation today is discussing President Trump’s discussion with Bob Woodward about downplaying the Coronavirus, and that…

Continental Congress names the United States, Sept. 9, 1776

Continental Congress names the United States, Sept. 9, 1776

The Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia on this day in 1776, declared that the name of the newly formed nation fighting…

Resolutions of the Stamp Act

Resolutions of the Stamp Act

The members of this Congress, sincerely devoted, with the warmest sentiments of affection and duty to His Majesty’s Person and Government, inviolably…